FRIDA LAS VEGAS X PARLIAMENT OF SA X AGSA FRIDA LAS VEGAS x PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA X ART GALLERY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Read More artStav AdameitisJanuary 24, 2025frida, las, vegas, art, gallery, south, australia, agsa, parliament, sa, poster, democracy, state, emblems, icons, iconic, illustration, australiana, pop
FRIDA LAS VEGAS X INSTAGRAM (META) I was commissioned by Instagram to create three fun, colourful and OTT antipodean election-themed stickers for Instagram Stories to celebrate the voting process in Australia and people’s participation in the occasion. Read More mediaStav AdameitisMay 16, 2022instagram, meta, stories, Frida Las Vegas, stavroula adameitis, 2022, australia, australian, federal, election, democracy, sausage, stickers, icons, graphic, design, australiana, pop, art, artist, designer